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Karen engi sonomaphoto: Martin Nobida, 2017

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©2015 Pacific Northwest Naginata Federation

About PNNF

The Pacific Northwest Naginata Federation (PNNF) was founded in 2006 as a regional affiliate of the the United States Naginata Federation. The group began naginata training in the Seattle area in 2003. PNNF is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All teaching income and honorariums are used to further the development of Naginata in the Pacific Northwest. Beginners are welcome. See “training” for class times and locations.

PNNF Officers
President: Kurt Schmucker Kurt Schmucker, Naginata Renshi
Executive Secretary/Treasurer: Karen Schmucker Karen Schmucker, Naginata 5-dan
Board Member: Kei Tsukamaki Kei Tsukamaki, Naginata 5-dan
Recording Secretary: Kelsey Shamrell Harrington Kelsey Shamrell Harrington, Naginata 5-dan
Board Member: Bryce Harrop Bryce Harrop, Naginata 5-dan
  Tendo Ryu Naginata Instructors
  Kurt Schmucker
  Karen Schmucker